How To Mix Up Social Media Content, By Percentage

Developing an innovative social media strategy can take time to determine what type of content to post. We have discovered that the answer is a good mix of several different types of content. Not all types of content are made equally, so some should be used more often than others.
Below, we’ve listed the types of content you should regularly deliver to your readers and the corresponding percentages of each.
When marketing to your social media followers and connections, could you keep these percentages in mind? These percentages will help you stimulate interest in your business while avoiding social media mistakes such as being too strong with too many in-your-face marketing tactics.

Organic Posts – 70%

The meat of your social media marketing strategy should consist of what we like to call “Organic Posts.” These posts include anything that gives your followers value stimulates interest or provides a personal connection or insight.
You can post a simple comment or update about something that is happening with your business. The more personable you can be, the better. You want to avoid writing in a voice that sounds like “marketing speak” and let your customers get some insight into your business. Help them realise that there are real, live people running it.
You may also engage your customers directly by asking them questions or getting their opinion on a new service you are providing. Make them feel like you are there and ready to listen to them. You can also create a poll for your followers to answer.
Organic content also includes any content you create that provides value to customers. Your website should have an active blog, and you can use social media to share these posts with your customers and encourage them to visit your site.
If you have created YouTube content, videos, or infographics, you should also use social media to share these with your customers.

Informing Your Audience – 20%

The next most important type of content to share with your social media networks is informational content. While your blog posts and original content should do an excellent job informing your customers, you can also link to external content, news articles, and sources.
You may choose to share an article or blog post written by an expert relevant to your particular industry. Use news articles and these articles to inform your audience, somewhat indirectly, why they should use your services and help them understand the value of what your business provides.
For this type of content, you can also include other external content, such as humorous videos, memes, or funny photos that you think will be relevant to your customers and your industry.
It’s okay to have a sense of humour; making your audience laugh can do wonders in helping them to feel a connection to you and your business. You don’t want to overdo it with this type of content, but it is certainly okay to “cut loose” occasionally.

Promoting Your Business – 10%

It may surprise many, but promotional posts should be the last thing you should consider posting on your social media accounts.
Today’s consumers are astute and prefer to avoid being bombarded with promotional messages and marketing hype. Typical marketing tactics are less welcome on social media sites, making your business seem cold and impersonal.
Social media is meant to break down the walls between consumers and businesses. Typically, if you’re great at the other 90% of social media post types, customers will actively seek out your services and take it upon themselves to discover what your business offers.
While you shouldn’t over-promote on social media, you should regularly post info about your services and products. Be sure to make each of these posts worthwhile and highly engaging. Let your social media followers know if you have an exceptional new product. You can let your customers know if you’re hosting any upcoming events or sales.
Just keep this type of post to a minimum to prevent customers from clicking that dreaded unfollow button.

Final Thoughts

While there are no hard and fast rules regarding social media usage, we have found the above mix to be ideal for most businesses.
Although it can initially seem daunting, creating an excellent social media strategy doesn’t have to be complicated. Could you just keep the specific characteristics of social media marketing in mind?
Social media isn’t the place to shove products and services in customers’ faces; it’s a great place to build connections and cultivate ongoing relationships.
Provide value to your customers while helping them remember that there are real people behind your business. If you do, your social media channels will shine, and your business will grow faster than you could have possibly imagined.
Happy Marketing
– Phil Fisk, President Core6.Marketing
