Chat GPT Prompts – General

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ChatGPT Prompts for Home Service Success

Welcome to our ChatGPT Prompt Guide for Home Service Contractors! Don’t have an account? Sign up for one here.

Here, you’ll find customized prompts designed to assist you in creating various types of content. Each prompt contains [bracketed variables] – these are placeholders for you to insert specific details relevant to your business.

By replacing these variables with your own information, you can use these prompts with AI tools to generate personalized and effective content, tailored to your unique business needs.

Responding to Positive or Negative Reviews:

Prompt: “Act as a public relations expert and create a response to a [positive/negative] review about [Service Provided]. For a positive review, express gratitude and invite continued engagement. For a negative review, acknowledge the feedback, show empathy, and offer a constructive solution or invitation to discuss further. Here is the customers review [past customer review here]”


Customer Inquiry Responses:

Prompt: “Act as a customer service expert and create a polite and informative response to an inquiry about [specific service], ensuring to highlight its benefits and invite further engagement.”


Service Descriptions:

Prompt: “Act as a marketing specialist and write a compelling description for [service name], focusing on its advantages, efficiency, and why it’s a top choice for homeowners.”


Follow-up Messages:

Prompt: “Assume the role of a client relationship manager and generate a warm follow-up message for a customer who used [specific service], asking for their feedback and suggesting complementary services.”


Seasonal Promotion Ideas:

Prompt: “Act as a promotions strategist and suggest an engaging seasonal marketing campaign for [specific service] tailored for [season/holiday], including potential discounts and special offers.”


Blog Post Outlines:

Prompt: “As a content creation expert, create a detailed outline for a blog post titled ‘[Blog Post Title]’ that discusses [service area], including tips, benefits, and customer advice.”


Creating a Staff Bio

Prompt: “Act as a professional bio writer and create a brief yet engaging biography for [Staff Member’s Name], focusing on their role as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. Highlight their expertise, years of experience, specific skills in [Service Area], and any personal touches that connect with clients.”