Top 5 Reasons Service-Based Businesses Should Advertise on Social Media

Communicating with your customers effectively is key to your ongoing success as a business owner in Salinas. Advertising your business on social media can allow you to reach current and potential customers in a positive and practical way. Incorporating social media advertising into your overall small business marketing plan can allow you to achieve higher visibility and improved profitability for your business operations.

Understanding why you should advertise on social media can help you compete more effectively in the small business marketplace. Your competitors are already using social media to reach their customers more effectively.

Here are five of the most important reasons to incorporate social media advertising into your overall plan for digital marketing in Salinas and the surrounding communities.

Increasing Visibility

Social media advertising strategies can often allow you to reach your potential customers online through media they are already interested in using. You can make inroads into the consumer marketplace by advertising your products or services and creating content through the following platforms:

  • Facebook offers opportunities for longer-form content and direct outreach to potential customers. Your Facebook page can serve as the second home online for your company and can increase your visibility among your current customers as well as those in the market for products and services like those you provide.
  • Instagram focuses primarily on images, which can make it much easier to diversify your social media advertising. By integrating original Instagram content that is relevant to your potential customers into your overall small business marketing strategies, you can boost your visibility while improving public perception of the products and services you provide.
  • Pinterest is also focused on images and allows end-users to collect or pin their favorite images for later review. Advertising on Pinterest can allow you to make an impact on consumers over time to build your visibility among users of this popular platform.
  • The short videos on TikTok and longer ones on YouTube are great ways to incorporate video content about your company that can be shared and distributed through these platforms. By investing in social media advertising videos that highlight the reasons to choose your company, you can promote your products and services more effectively to users of this platform.
  • Twitter is another major social media platform that can provide opportunities for you to reach out to potential customers who are interested in your products and services. This can help you to build visibility among your most likely prospects in the consumer marketplace.
  • LinkedIn is a great place to establish your credentials and provide potential customers with an overview of your company. You can purchase social media advertising on this platform or create your own content to ensure that you are seen as a thought leader in your chosen field. Advertising on LinkedIn can be more costly than on some other social media platforms, which can make it somewhat less attractive for some companies. If your customers use LinkedIn to connect, however, this type of social media advertising could be well worth the cost for your business.


Making a relatively small investment in social media advertising can help you to build your brand more successfully and will allow you to increase your overall visibility among those most likely to purchase your services and products. This can supercharge your small business marketing efforts and can help you make the most from your digital marketing in Salinas.

Improving Knowledge of Your Target Audience

Social media marketing strategies can be used to identify key demographics within your base of current and potential customers. Facebook, for instance, allows you to identify general trends in ages, genders, and regional distribution for those who view your ads.

This added level of information can allow you to target your most likely customers more accurately and to spend your available social media advertising budget in the most cost-effective ways. By devoting a portion of your small business marketing efforts to advertising on social media, you can increase your reach and your overall success in the competitive marketplace.

Reducing and Managing Costs

Social media advertising is one of the most affordable options for increasing the visibility of your products and services and generating leads, traffic, and sales for your business. The amount you pay to advertise on social media will vary depending on the platform and the method by which your costs are determined:

  • Auction-based systems use a bidding mechanism that can allow your ad to be displayed to audience members on the platform. Higher bids are displayed more frequently.
  • Behavior-based advertising displays your social media advertising to those who show signs of interest in products, services, and businesses like yours.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) ads are among the most affordable. For these types of social media advertising, you pay each time a consumer clicks on your advertisement, which can make PPC ads a cost-effective choice for your business.
  • Geographically targeted ads for social media platforms can also lower the cost of digital marketing in Salinas and the surrounding areas. By targeting only the areas or regions in which your company offers services, you can avoid wasting your budget for small business marketing on areas that offer no opportunities for sales.


In general, social media advertising is highly cost-effective and can help your business to reach customers in a practical and positive way. This can ensure that your marketing budget is spent in productive ways that will pay off for you now and in the future.

Diversifying Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Advertise on Social MediaNot all of your customers use information in the same way. Some may find video content more appealing than text. Fortunately, social media advertising methods span the entire spectrum of content types:

  • Images and photo ads
  • Videos
  • Text advertising
  • Interactive experiences
  • Lead forms
  • Carousel ads
  • Combinations of content that showcase your products or services


By diversifying your overall digital marketing, you can make the most positive impact on social media networks and can promote the best outcomes for your business operations. Each of these types of advertising can be fine-tuned and tailored to suit your expected audience while allowing you to increase your reach within your local community.

Increasing Profitability and Longevity for Your Company

Optimizing your social media advertising campaign to achieve the results you want can allow you to maximize your return on investment for these digital marketing efforts. The ultimate goals of your ad campaigns will include a variety of outcomes:

  • Increased sales of your products and services to promote greater profitability for your business
  • Improved visibility and branding for your company and for its products
  • Better customer retention for your existing base of clients
  • Increased lead generation and higher engagement with consumers


Working with an experienced and knowledgeable team of digital marketing experts can allow you to achieve the best results from your social media advertising strategies. At Core6.Marketing, Phil Fisk, and his team of digital media consultants can provide you with the right solutions for your small business needs.

At Core6.Marketing, we can provide the support and structure you need to create the right campaigns for digital marketing in Salinas, Monterey Bay and the surrounding areas of California. We serve contractors, legal firms, medical and chiropractic professionals, plumbers, dentists, and other small businesses. Call us today at 831-789-9320 or visit us online to touch base with Phil Fisk or any of the other members of our team.

Core6.Marketing is here to serve you.
