Service Base Businesses: Google Ads & Your Marketing Funnel

Advertising on Google: Where Does It Fit into the Marketing Funnel for Service-based Businesses?

Finding the right solutions for marketing your company’s services can be challenging. Google Advertising can streamline some aspects of your brand development and marketing strategies to help you reach customers in the frame of mind to buy. Understanding how Google Ads can help you to expand your customer base and to increase your brand recognition will ensure that you make the most positive choices on behalf of your business.

At Core6 Marketing, we can help you to leverage Google Ads to maximize your company’s reach and build your business effectively from the ground up.

What Is Google Advertising?

As the most influential search engine in the online world, Google offers a number of services for companies that will help them to promote their business more effectively. Google Ads encompasses all of the online advertising services offered by the search engine. These pay-per-click marketing tools are designed to put your ad in front of users who enter search terms identical to or substantially similar to the ones you have purchased for your Google Ads buy.

Why You Need Google Ads

Google Ads can help you to reach customers when they are in the frame of mind to buy and can build your brand recognition to a considerable degree within your local service area or on a nationwide basis. Depending on your marketing budget and your overall strategy, you can implement these advertising campaigns in a number of ways:

  • Display ads appear on websites, search engine results, and Gmail messages to provide added exposure for your company.
  • Shopping ads showcase your services with photos and descriptions that appear at the top of Google search engine results pages.
  • Search ads only appear on the Google results page. These text-only ads rely on a compelling title and description to encourage clicks by consumers.
  • Video ads are designed to display on YouTube and appear at the beginning or during related content that your potential customers are viewing. These include bumper ads, discovery ads, and non-skippable streaming ads. Mobile ads are also available through Google Ads.
  • Mobile-only out-stream ads run on websites and Google videos to promote your services.
  • App ads are one of the most innovative forms of Google Ads and are designed to promote the download of mobile apps to phones or other computing devices.

How Pay-per-click (PPC) Strategies Work

PPC ads are a cost-effective choice for your business because you pay only when users click on your advertisement. Google Ads operate by allowing you to bid on search terms. The amount you bid will determine how often your ad is presented to users who search for the terms you have selected. Higher bids for search terms mean that the Google Ads are presented more often to end-users. Lower bids receive fewer views and are presented less often to consumers.

While the amount you bid will determine the frequency with which your ad is presented, you will only pay when consumers click on your ad to learn more about your services. This makes PPC ads a cost-effective choice for most companies. Since you pay only for the ads that consumers click, you can maximize your return on investment for these marketing strategies.

A straightforward implementation of Google Ads PPC strategies can sometimes produce good results. For an even better chance of success, however, we suggest that you consider a Google Ads marketing funnel.


What Is a Marketing Funnel?

Service Base Businesses: Google Ads

Marketing funnels are strategies that take into consideration the entire journey of a commercial transaction from the buyer’s first encounter with your company’s services through the consideration stage and into the decision to purchase or act. These three stages are explained in more detail below:

  • Top of the funnel: At the top of Google Ads marketing tunnels, consumers are first introduced to your company’s name and commercial services. This can build awareness of your brand and can begin the process of creating name recognition among consumers who might not otherwise know about your business and its available services.
  • Middle of the funnel: Once the consumer is aware of your company, it is time to present reasons to consider your services. During this stage, you should enumerate value points for your company and address pain points for customers to assist them in deciding to choose your company to serve their needs.
  • Bottom of the funnel: At this point, your prospective customers have completed the information-gathering stage and are ready to purchase products or services. It is at this point that you can expect a return on your initial investment in your Google Ads marketing funnel.


Tailoring your marketing funnel to your target audience and their degree of familiarity with your company and services can help you to make the most positive impact at every stage of the buying journey. Your potential customers fall into five general categories:

  • Strangers to your services have had little or no exposure to your company. These prospective customers need to learn more about your business operations and your services before they will feel comfortable purchasing from your company.
  • Prospects have had some exposure to your brand and your company name. They may not yet be aware, however, about how your services can help them manage pain points in their everyday lives and activities.
  • Searchers are actively looking for services that are similar to the ones your company offers. These individuals are almost ready to buy and can often be persuaded by an effective Google Ads campaign.
  • Leads are potential customers who have clicked on your PPC Google Ads and have provided your company with contact information. These consumers are not only looking to buy but have expressed direct interest in the services you offer.
  • Customers are those who buy your services. These individuals have built a relationship with your company that must be nurtured and developed to ensure repeat business.


Implementing a marketing funnel that reaches customers at every stage of your relationship with them can help you to make the most positive impact on your sales and on the growth of your company. Google Ads is the leading platform for advertising your goods and services online and can help you to build a customer base for greater profitability and brand recognition now and in the future.

Measuring the Success of Your Google Ads Campaign

The success and profitability of your Google Ads marketing funnel can be measured in a few ways:

  • Leads: These represent sales opportunities for your company and can indicate the likely revenues you will realize on an annual basis.
  • Customer acquisition cost: This metric indicates how much it costs your company to acquire new customers through your Google Ads campaigns.
  • Lifetime value of a customer: As an estimate of the overall value to your company of a single customer over the life of your relationship, the lifetime value of a customer or LTV is a solid indicator of potential future revenues.
  • Conversion rates: Your company’s conversion rate for Google Ads PPC interactions is a good indicator of the ability of your marketing funnel to produce sales for your business. A poorly managed or organized marketing campaign will have much lower conversion rates than one that is effective and targets the correct audience.
  • Return on investment: Return on investment (ROI) is the most important single indicator of success for your marketing strategy. A higher ROI is an indicator that you are reaching customers and making sales successfully.
  • Sales growth: The increase in sales you see after implementing your Google Ads marketing funnel is often a good indicator of the success of these advertising strategies.

Benefits of Hiring an Agency vs. In-house

All of these moving parts can be confusing and difficult to manage for novices to the online marketing field. In most cases, you will achieve greater success and improved results by working with a company that specializes in Google Ads and targeted marketing funnels for your business. This can help you to avoid common mistakes in purchasing Google Ads PPC marketing and can ensure the highest possible ROI for your company.

At Core6 Marketing, we deliver innovative and practical solutions for our clients to ensure that you can reach your target audience more effectively. We create real value for your business to promote your brand name and your services more effectively. Give us a call today at 831-789-9320 or visit us online to begin leveraging your Google Ads campaign with marketing funnels that work for you. Core6 Marketing is here to help.

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